Before i set off i had the motorcycle a 2017 HD Road King 107 serviced by Sugar Shack Motorcycles Nerang Gold Coast QLD.
Here is the intended journey map and only then did i realise just how big a ride this was going to be.
Before i embarked on this epic journey i downloaded the RISER App for my android phone to track my distance and duration amongst other things.
Like most long distance motorcycle trips i plan, everything was left to the last minute, causing me to forget some necessary travel items inculding blood pressure medication, a blanket and 12v to USB motorcycle adaptor.
The first night was spent in Newcastle at a mates place a mere 700km south from the Gold Coast, its 98% dual carriageway so the first leg was a breeze with fuel varying between $1.55 to $1.90/Litre. Not much to see along the way, except the unavoidable drive through Coffs Harbour which is about halfway and a good place to rest, with fuel available every 50km or so.
The second night i stayed in Bega going via Sydney, Kiama and Wooloongong trying to avoid boring freeways. All the touristy places were teeming with tourists like myself so i avoided most of them along the NSW south coast, stopping only at Kiama and Eden. There was an interesting Ned Kelly letterbox south of the Eden area.
In Bega i opted to camp for free at the showgrounds, and had a small drama putting up the swag in the dark and then realising i had no blanket packed, but luckily a neighbouring caravan had a spare blanket for me to borrow.
Thats two days done and dusted and now onto my mates house in Melbournes western suburbs, i might mention i managed to ride 2000km rain free but upon reaching the Victorian capital it pissed down.
As i crossed the Victorian border i circumnavigated the state sign with my Mavic Mini 3 drone.
The scenery and topography to Melbourne changed Constantly from the Eastern Gippsland area to Sale, pine forests to rolling ocean hills at Lakes Entrance, it would take too long to stop everywhere and get the drone out to capture the moment.
I did however stop and take aerial videos of some grain silos in the Central Western NSW area and a lighthouse in the Southern NSW coastal area.
One thing about drones is the the general public seem to hate them so i always go 300m away and fly from some less obvious location.
After waking up to the one cloud free day per year i left Melbourne on my way to Torquay where all the posh snobs live so i could really expose myself for the bogan i am.
The roads out of melbourne at 830am were grid locked so i was able to use the spare lane called the road shoulder to get out of the traffic onto the M1 heading to Geelong for free flowing traffic in pure blue skies.
So you may ask yourself “Where does the Great Ocean Road start and finish?” The Great Ocean Road named (B100) begins in Torquay at the iconinc Great Ocen Road gate pictured at the top of this chapter. and finishes in Allansford. The distance is about 240km following the ocean always on my left hand side as videos by my insta 360 action camera mounted on a selfie stick and then taped to my handlebars.
The weather remained beautiful for the entire ocean rd experience which apparently is a rare occurance. Next stop was Yatzies Cafe Lavers Hill for a pie and a coffee, couldnt believe i was able to buy both for under 10 bucks and the peanut slice for an extra few dollars hit the spot, i didnt buy any fuel here tho … check the bowser price below lol.

Yahtzies Cafe
The whole ocean road is beautiful but like anything in life repitition becomes boring rather quickly so i made the 12 Apostles my next destination still enjoying the meandering journey with minimal traffic.
There is a free tourist hub at the 12 Apostles with a walkway under the road to the edge where you can see whats left of the apostles clearly, i think 4 left , the rest eroded over the years.
I couldnt see any drone signs west of the 12 Apostles so i got my drone out to take a video making sure to be aware of the surroundings i was flying in.
I then decided to ride as far as warnambool and try to get a cheap pub room with shared bathroom which i managed to find for $50 and the manager allowed me to park my motorcycle within the security of the outdoor smoking area 🙂
I highly recommend the Cally Hotel for price, clenliness and being biker friendly.
You wouldnt believe it but the next morning i woke up to the sound of a storm outside, so im eternally grateful for the previous days wonderful weather, and now the long journey home would start Via South Australia so i could cross another state line off the journeys list.
Leaving Warnambool i could smell a bakery on my way out of town and could not believe jalepeno pies were on their menu, im a pie addict as you can tell.
From here heading west the scenery was basically farms and oine forests all the way to the SA border, where a compulsory drone mastershot needed to be done lol.